Who is Aes-Saru

Aes-Saru the person is a Envtuber femboy, Who is a leftist and is a Artist. He does game and he is into space alot. Hence why he is a space pirate.


Who is Aes-Saru

The character itself was a character borned from the many instances of Saru as a person. Saru has always been a pirate of sorts even from 10 years ago and came from the hit game pso2 when I first created said character, You can think that Saru from back then as a ancestor of sorts as the character goes back much further then that era and reaches back to 2006 when I made the first instance of that character. As for the name. It was giving to my first character and to me cause people had hard time pronoucing Saruish, or Sarushi. Funny enough it was my best friend bugg who rename the character while also renaming me at least twice, Once befor was just to make a recess reference which I found to be silly, The 2nd was the perma rename. 2012 is the first instance of space pirate Saru btw, While Sarus befor then was just pirates or very fancy characters with pirate aesthetics, As for the Aes part. That comes from a old discord username Aesthically Saru. I drop it down to Aes-Saru for short.

What type of Artist is Aes-Saru

While Aes-Saru began his work as a weeb, drawing anime ocs. He became a detail sketch artist, Most of his art is done in a Sketch style and depending on the Art in question. it can get extremely detail and Absrate, He has also done pixel art(both profile work and , Emotes that is animated and even animations. To this day he does all kinds of work. Tho he a bit diffirent in sytle then most artist due to how he freehands stuff and sketch

What type of Leftist is Aes-Saru

That a easy one, An-synd and a progressive, I always fight for freedoms and Human rights Cause that is my right as both a American, and a human. Even if Im the last human on earth, Even if Im fighting for Alien rights. I believe in doing the right thing. That just who I am. I dont care if someone else gets their feelings hurt in the process. If their feelings crosses into other people life. I will stand against them. All of my arguments relates to freedoms btw and murica. Good luck. ;3

Account stuff

This stuff is more or less about Accounts. Basically if you see a Account that you think its me and its not on here. Chances are it isnt me and shouldnt be thought as such. I seen plenty of times where someone has target both me and other people and claim they was us when they wasnt. CHECK HERE FIRST ON THIS SITE TO MAKE SURE ITS ME.

Blocking on Bsky

I blocked you? No I used a blockedlist that I cant get rid of cause the Orginal account owner was banned falsely. If you wanted me to unblock you and you was involve in that. Then this is your fault and I cant remove it now. Congrats you fuck yourself permentaly when it came to me. Ethier make a new account or attempt to work things out with the OG person.